October 19, 2007 at 8:08 am (move, wordpress)

Hi everyone, Just a quick and IMPORTANT note that I am making the switch to WordPress. It’s a slow process as I’m not as computer savvy as I’d like. So, there are some features that I’m trying to translate over to the new page. Also, expect a lot of cosmetic changes for the good, but at first it may not be as tricked out as I’d like, mainly due to my slow-moving, flattened learning curve. So, if you are already typing in, you will be directly forwarded to WordPress. However, if you type in, you will still come here.

Thanks for following along…

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Health Tip #4: 7 Tips on How to Dig Yourself out of an Emotional Pothole

October 17, 2007 at 1:35 pm (health, help)

Speaking from experience, tough things rarely happen in isolation. I find that I am tested with not one challenge, but several at the same time. Much can be learned from these periods of time, so I’d like to share with you what I’ve gathered.

1. Go by feel.

Do what feels good. Not what feels good at the time and will create sadness or guilt later, like swallowing an entire chocolate cake or watching 10 back-to-back movies. If you are honest with yourself, you’ll know what I mean as this is different for everyone. And, avoid what feels bad. Perhaps you bump into a person in the grocery store. By their mere conversation, you get “down” and feel uncomfortable by their questions. Perhaps you are not ready to talk about matters, and feel negativity emanating from them. Perhaps you can’t even figure out why, but you begin to feel better as you walk away from this person. Perhaps walking through a store brings back sad reminders. Avoid the store until you can handle it.

2. Good can come out of bad.

Spending the whole summer watching my grandfather slip downwards was a horrible, sad experience. But, during this time, family and friends came by to spend time with our family. My aunt and uncle stayed in the bedroom across the way like two peas in a pod, and we were brought back to times from all of our childhoods. And we recalled funny memories of my grandfather. So, the sad time brought us together. Sometimes the good is less tangible. Look for it because it is there.

3. It gets easier.

If you are choosing a path that is hard (i.e., changing a secure but stressful job, leaving a bad marriage) or the change is not one by choice (i.e., getting sick, getting fired), just know that as acutely painful as this time is, it will get better. Time has a weird way of healing, if you are open to the change that will come. Dig up a time in your past that was difficult. Are you still feeling that pain? Perhaps yes, but I bet you that it has dulled somewhat. Perhaps you lost someone you love. You may never forget the sadness of the loss, but you are able to get through your days or can smile instead of cry when thinking of this loved one. This is progress.

4. Get help if you need it.

Especially if you aren’t used to asking for help and consider yourself tough enough, ask for help. You may not pay attention to your needs and push through rough times, but everyone has a breaking point. If you find yourself unable to eat or eating everything in sight, are staying in bed for days on end, and are crying for weeks, this is a sign you need help. It is normal to feel sad when times get rough, but if you find that your sadness is causing the rest of your life to come crashing down, there is no shame in getting a hand. Perhaps you just need a hug or a phone call. But you might need even more than this. Go make an appointment with a doctor or therapist to talk about what is going on.

5. Don’t talk about anything you’re not ready to talk about.

Often when people ask you questions, inappropriate, nosy ones or even simple ones with no evil intent, you can feel that you are obligated to answer. Perhaps you want to avoid uncomfortable silences or not insult your asking party. Well, newsflash, just because they are asking does not mean you have to answer. Especially if answering would upset you and force you to go down an emotional road you are not ready to travel. They are invading YOUR space, and it is your job to actively protect your own boundaries. There will always be rude, nosy people in the world. That you can’t stop. But what you can do is to protect your privacy. How do you do this?

Well, once you look at invasions of your space as the aggressive action and not something you must comply with because you are supposed to…it will be far easier. The more control you have over your life, and the earlier you figure out that you can make changes, the happier you will be.

Then, you can either just say nothing and change the topic. (“yikes, I just remembered. I have an emergency appointment with my proctologist!” OR “You just reminded me. I think I left the iron on! Gotta go!”)

You could return with an equally invasive question. “So, how’s your weight loss going?” “Did you know your husband pinched my behind last year at the Christmas party?” Here is the possible expression of Nibby Nora.

You can do the old reject and deflect. Bernice Busybody: “So, I hear you dropped out of school. Are you going back to school anytime soon?” You: “That reminds me…I was thinking of asking you about your schooling. What did you study?” Following up with a question about the other person probably will flatter as well…

And finally, you can just say, “I appreciate you asking about my welfare, but I am actually not sure.”

5. Hang out with supportive people.

I find it interesting how people spend tons of time complaining about their so-called friends, only to continually make plans with them. Or they are irritated with their ugly wardrobe, but are not saving money or buying bargains. Perhaps people like to complain, or they just feel powerless over their lives. Think about what you are getting out of the complaining. Are people running to your aid? Does the attention feel good? Or are you too lazy to do anything and it’s habit complaining? Whatever it is, it’s not worth it. And, examine your life. They say an unexamined life is not worth living. I don’t know if I’d go that far, but it’s hard to make changes if you don’t spend the time to look at what is going wrong. That includes what you are doing too, as it’s easier to change yourself than others. If you are know or live with someone who drives you mad, or needs help, you can only set a good example and make gentle reminders. But you will look like father time from the mere stress before this person chooses to see themselves in the mirror. In the meantime, do what you need to do, and you might inspire them along the way.

So, it is truly YOUR choice and well within your power to make your life happier. And one of the most important things you can do is to select supportive, positive people in your life. And there is no better way to find out than in hard times. The cream floats to the top.

6. Do healthy things.

The last thing in the world you might want to do is to get out of bed. But if you stay in bed all day, you know you will only feel worse. Ok, maybe you can do it a day or two, but eventually, you might create new problems, like getting canned from your job and now you have more to be depressed about. You may have no interest in going to the movies or listening to music. And maybe the first few times you go out with friends feels awful. But after a while, you will feel the positive effects. That goes for exercise, reaching out to friends and family, cooking a meal for yourself. Do the actions first and the feelings will follow later.

7. Do for others.

As odd as this sounds, doing good for other people is actually one of the MOST therapeutic ways of picking yourself up. Think about it. You feel like crap because you are spending all day thinking about your own problems. It’s like having a gerbil on crack running on a neverending little wheel. It gets old and you are going no where. Jump off the train to nowhere and start helping someone else out. Or write a card to some older relative you have who lives alone. Take someone out to dinner who rarely goes out. Whatever it is, you are not focusing on yourself, you are taking a break from figuring out your own things, and you are getting positive feelings from doing a good deed.

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Tag…you’re it!

October 13, 2007 at 10:20 am (tagged)

I was tagged by Diane of Much of a Muchness. A visually stunning blog. Do check it out.

I am to tell you 7 honest things about myself. So, here goes

1. I am in a major life transition now. I’ve made a break in my personal life, moved from London (sadly) to the US, and have a new lease on life.

2. I am a Gemini and thus am obsessed with many things at once, both of the right and left brain.

3. I am very impressed and cattle-prodded-on by my sister’s amazing intent and success of getting in shape at See Corey Run. I truly believe she will run a marathon.

4. I normally love to cook, but am on a long hiatus as I was burned out while living my life in London. I am slowly sifting through recipes and the passion is sparking…

5. My first love is writing, and I fear I may tinker around before putting together my first book (a main dream of mine).

6. I am a closet shy person, even though pushing myself into completely uncomfortable situations (living in Manhattan, London, new jobs, new challenges) has moved me to conquer some of these fears.

7. I think kindness and good manners with wit are underrated and wish more would say please, thank you and show the courtesy I witnessed and enjoyed while living in London.

There you have it. Now for the lucky 7 I will tag. Here goes:

See Corey Run

Ladies in the Red

Because I Must Blog

Dizzi Lizzi

Suburban Oblivion

Running in Wellies

Cranberry Corner

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October 13, 2007 at 9:30 am (Awards)

I have received an award from Corey Irwin at Music Unbound, a fantastic blog all about music without any borders, distinctions or necessary connections. Highly recommend.

The award…drumroll please…is of the Best Kept Secret Award. I am so pleased and hope to become less of a secret and more of a known by the fabulous distinction.

“We all have a Best Kept Secret blogger or two we visit regularly — a blogger with great style and wit and warmth who hasn’t been discovered yet. Here’s our chance with this award to say, ‘Wow. Check out this blogger!’”

To not hold the joy/accolades too long, I would like to pass along the award to a group of other great bloggers, who if not already receiving fame and fortune, SHOULD.

Much of a Muchness

Crazy Aunt Purl

Eavesdrop Writer Blog

Emma Sometimes

Passionate About Baking

Twisted Sister

Little Cotton Rabbits

Petite Anglaise

Twas Brillig

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Beauty Tip #4: Cowabunga, a suncreen I actually will use

October 12, 2007 at 6:12 pm (health, melanoma, mexoryl, skincare, sunscreen, titanium dioxide, uva, uvb)

Oddly, as I am living in the Northeast and just getting used to the onset of fall, I have just come across the most delightful discovery…the perfect sunscreen for one’s countenance. I am a writer/editor, so I am always finding odd words that come to mind, so by countenance, I mean your gorgeous face. I was off for a walk (yes, for those have read my post about walking, I do follow my own advice!) and realized that the rays were pelting down on my pale skin. As I am acutely aware of the ozone thinning and the need to protect oneself, I went searching for an appropriate cream to slather on. As I’m home, my very hip mother showed me a new product she picked up. So, hence, my latest fab discovery: Glymed Plus Cell Science Proto-Age Protection Cream 30+. Geez, could this be any longer.

So, on to the product. I have immense lurking guilt about not wearing sunscreen. From billboards, commercials, and magazines, and the evil, pore-obsessed, confidence-crushing makeup ladies, I am acutely aware that I should be applying SPF on my face all the way down to my big toes.

Because clothing does not completely protect either. I am not extreme and due to laziness as well, I have settled for face coverage.

I’ve tried other brands, and I always end up stopping to use sunscreen due to excessive heaviness, or an overwhelming scent, or grease-production. And, I’ve tried all sorts of applications: cream, gel, liquid and spray. And I have also tried very inexpensive to expensive types too. Even the dermatologist recommended types I’ve ended up chucking. This product is basically scent-free, except for the basic cream-type scent I noticed. (I just opened the container and took a big whiff and now have a white nose.)

Also, the cream is a thicker cream, but you need far less for coverage. It also doubles as a moisturizer as well, so you can shave off that part of your routine. The cream blends into my skin, giving me an even rosy glow to my skin, but after hours of wear, I don’t smell it, notice it, or have any excessive oiliness or irritation. And there is no sticky residue either. I am a believer.

Now for the medical aspect of this product. The days of tanning on the beach for hours are long gone. The suns rays are even more powerful, especially in portions of the world with increased ozone depletion, like Australia. However, the rest of the world is not safe either, as there is a generalized increase of SPF rays passing through our atmosphere and making contact with your delicate cheeks, eyelids and shoulders. This product is great as the protection is 30+, however you must apply especially if you are sweating, playing sports, or especially swimming.

UVA and UVB protection is important, as both lead to skin damage. UVA is particularly dangerous as it causes damage to your DNA within skin cells, increasing the risk of melanoma. From my clinical experience, melanoma is a frightening disease. While working in a specialized cancer center, oncologists were particularly impressed with melanoma’s ability to defeat conventional medicine. A doctor may eradicate a seemingly simple skin lesion for it to return a year later affecting multiple internal organs. I witnessed a particularly sad case in this hospital. Wrinkles and sunspots are no treat, but melanoma can end your life. So, please cover up.

So, a few important things. This product is perfect for now. Buy it. But, as a new better ingredient (accepted in Europe first when was living in London), has just been approved by the FDA, look for ecamsule or Mexoryl (brand name) in sunscreens. It might not be out there yet, but it, along with zinc oxide and avobenzone are apparently the best active ingredients out there for full UVA/UVB coverage.

But titanium dioxide is still great, providing good coverage for both UVA and UVB, but reportedly doesn’t cover the entire UVA spectrum.

Another important note. I hate being duped, so know that the company has downsized the product size, but kept the price the same. It’s now 1.6 oz instead of 2oz. So, look online, perhaps on Ebay, for a 2oz size. If it’s 1.6oz, look for a lower cost.

So, to finish…

DO put sunscreen on your face in the morning and reapply several times a day if you can.
DO reapply more times if you are sweaty or working out or swimming.
DO NOT lay on the beach/at the pool at prime sun times, 12pm to 3pm. If you must, sit under an umbrella or put on a hat.
DO cover your little ones with hats and sunscreen.
DO make a yearly appointment with a dermatologist to do a skin check. I’m a BIG HUGE fan of prevention rather than treatment.

PRODUCT: Glymed Plus Cell Science Proto-Age Protection Cream 30+

PROS: doubles as a moisturizer, 30+ SPF, active ingredient is titanium dioxide (good sun protection), light smell, non-greasy, blends into skin, high quality product

CONS: price (retail $65)

WHERE FIND: Try EBAY, and free shipping here: ARIVA

NOTE: look for new products out there in future with Mexoryl as active ingredient. Probably best sun protection out there now

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